Saturday, February 11, 2012

First Day Shooting - Maren & Nick's Garage

My first photoshoot for this essay was scheduled on February 1st 2012.

I was go go to Maren and Nick's house and photograph his small neon sign collection in their garage.

That day was a really good experience for me, finding out which exposures worked best to help capture the true essence of the neon signs.

Here are a handful of the photographs that I created in their garage.

Feedback is appreciated!


  1. I really like the abstract image where the tubes look like they are creating a "5". The depth of field is great, and I enjoy the unique vantage point that you force me, as a viewer, to have! I am less interested in the signs off, but there could be a place for an image like it as a nice break to the multitude of lit up signs. Great work! And thanks for the peak into Maren's garage ;)


  2. Thanks Katie! I really appreciate your feedback. I also enjoy the abstract shots a lot and I hope that they can end up having a place within the final book. I agree, the signs off are not that intersting. I think the only ones that are off will be outdoors, still proudly displayed in their original location, probably with a note as to when the establishment was shut down... such as Chevys, and Hotel Amsterdam in Downtown.
